Implantation of a duodenal–jejunal bypass sleeve for managing obesity (2013) [NICE] NEW
Transtheoretical model stages of change for dietary and physical exercise modification in weight loss management for overweight and obese adults (2013) [Cochrane]NEW
Prolonged release naltrexone and bupropion (Contrave) for the management of obesity (2013) [National Horizon Scanning Centre] NEW
Laparoscopic gastric plication for the treatment of severe obesity (2012)[NICE] NEW
Comparative Effectiveness Review 115 Childhood Obesity Prevention Programs (2012)[AHRQ] NEW
Obesity:Potential High Impact Interventions (2012) [AHRQ Healthcare Horizon Scanning] NEW
Mindfulness Training for Weight Loss in Obese Adults: A Review of the Clinical Evidence and Guidelines (2012) [CADTH] NEW
Bariatric surgery versus non-surgical treatment for obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (2012) [DARE] NEW
Efficacy and safety of lorcaserin in obese adults: a meta-analysis of 1-year randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and narrative review on short-term RCTs (2012)[DARE] NEW
Effectiveness of lifestyle interventions in child obesity: systematic review with meta-analysis (2012)[DARE] NEW
What is the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of using drugs in treating obese patients in primary care? A systematic review (2012)[NIHR HTA]NEW
Interventions promoting physical activity among obese populations: a meta-analysis considering global effect, long-term maintenance, physical activity indicators and dose characteristics (2012) [DARE]NEW
A review of electronic interventions for prevention and treatment of overweight and obesity in young people (2011)[DARE]
Obesity in children (2010) [Clinical Evidence] Log-in required
Obesity in adults (2010) [Clinical Evidence] Log-in required
Interventions for preventing obesity in children (2010)[Cochrane]
Interventions to change the behaviour of health professionals and the organisation of care to promote weight reduction in overweight and obese people (2009)[Cochrane]
Schemes to promote healthy weight among obese and overweight children in England (2009) [EPPI Centre]
Acupuncture for obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2009)[DARE]
Lorcaserin (APD-356) - Obesity or overweight - with co-morbidity (2009)[National Horizon Scanning Centre]
Surgery for obesity (2008)[Cochrane]
Interventions for treating obesity in children (2008)[Cochrane]
Taranabant (MK-0364) Obesity (2008)[National Horizon Scanning Centre]
Prevention and early treatment of overweight and obesity in young children: a critical review and appraisal of the evidence (2008) [DARE]
Clinical Guidelines
Managing overweight and obesity among children and young people: lifestyle weight management
services (2013)[NICE] NEW
Obesity (2012) [CKS] NEW
Obesity: working with local communities (2012)[NICE] NEW
Management of obesity (2010) [SIGN]
Dietary interventions and physical activity interventions for weight management before, during and after pregnancy (2010) [NICE]
Guidelines on management of adult obesity and overweight in primary care (2010)[National Obesity Forum]
Management of women with obesity in pregnancy (2010)[RCOG]
Obesity: the prevention, identification, assessment and management of overweight and obesity in adults and children (2006)[NICE]
Recent articles in core journals
A primary care-based, multicomponent lifestyle intervention for overweight adolescent females (2012) [Pediatrics] NEW
Obesity treatment for socioeconomically disadvantaged patients in primary care practice (2012) [Arch Intern Med] NEW
Comparison of range of commercial or primary care led weight reduction programmes with minimal intervention control for weight loss in obesity: lighten Up randomised controlled trial (2011)[BMJ]
Changing the future of obesity: science, policy, and action (2011)[Lancet]
Attitudes towards obesity treatment in GP training practices: a focus group study(2011)[Family Practice]
Overweight adults may have the lowest mortality--do they have the best health? (2011)[Am J Epidemiol]
Pharmaceutical interventions for obesity: a public health perspective (2010) [Diabetes Obes Metab]
Childhood obesity (2010)[Lancet]
Obesity in Children (2013)[Mentor] updated
Obesity in Adults (2013)[Mentor] updated
Obesity: a multidisciplinary approach (part 1)(2010) [BMJ Learning]
Obesity: a multidisciplinary approach (part 2)(2010) [BMJ Learning]
Obesity: a guide to prevention and management - in association with NICE (2010)[BMJ Learning]
GP Fact File to managing obesity in primary care (2010)[Healthcare Republic]
Obesity in children: assessment and management (2009) [BMJ Learning]
Obesity in adults: assessment and management (2009) [BMJ Learning]
Clinical Queries
Is levonorgestrel emergency contraception effective in obese women (body mass index >30kg/m
Is there any evidence that Depo-Provera is unreliable in a very obese woman, and any for giving a double dose to those with high BMI? (2009) [ATTRACT]
Patient Information
Obesity in Children (2013) [BUPA] NEW
Obesity and Overweight in Adults (2013) [Patient UK] updated
Obesity (2012)[NHS Choices]
Obesity (2010)[BMJ Best Health]
1. If you are a Welsh Primary Care Professional with a clinical query send it to ATTRACT online or email us at or call 01495 332343.
2. If you would like to comment on this CME topic, or suggest a new topic for ATTRACTcme, go to the comments hyperlink below.
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