Thursday 13 February 2014


Evidence Based Reports

Occipital nerve stimulation for intractable chronic migraine (2013) [NICE] NEW
Gabapentin or pregabalin for the prophylaxis of episodic migraine in adults (2013) [
Cochrane] NEW

Topiramate for the prophylaxis of episodic migraine in adults (2013) [
Cochrane] NEW

 Antiepileptics other than gabapentin, pregabalin, topiramate, and valproate for the prophylaxis of episodic migraine in adults (2013) [
Cochrane] NEW

 Valproate (valproic acid or sodium valproate or a combination of the two) for the prophylaxis of episodic migraine in adults (2013) [
Cochrane] NEW

 Diclofenac with or without an antiemetic for acute migraine headaches in adults (2013) [
Cochrane] NEW

 Paracetamol (acetaminophen) with or without an antiemetic for acute migraine headaches in adults(2013)[
Cochrane] updated
Comparative Effectiveness Review 103 Migraine in Adults: Preventive Pharmacologic Treatments (2013) [AHRQ] NEW

Comparative Effectiveness Review 108 Migraine in Children: Preventive Pharmacologic Treatments (2013) [

Triptans in prevention of menstrual migraine: a systematic review with meta-analysis (2013) [DARE]NEW

Steroids for preventing recurrence of acute severe migraine headaches: a meta-analysis (2013) [DARE] NEW
Genesis TM implantable pulse generator for chronic migraine (2012) [National Horizon Scanning Network] NEW

Botulinum toxin type A for the prevention of headaches in adults with chronic migraine (2012) [NICE] NEW
Botulinum Toxin A for Migraine Headaches: Clinical Effectiveness (2012) [CADTH] NEW
Botulinum toxin A for prophylactic treatment of migraine and tension headaches in adults: a meta-analysis (2012) [DARE] NEW
Triptans for Migraine Headaches: A Review of Clinical Evidence on Safety (2012)[CADTH] NEW
Sumatriptan (oral route of administration) for acute migraine attacks in adults (2012) [NICE] NEW
Sumatriptan (rectal route of administration) for acute migraine attacks in adults (2012) [NICE] NEW
Sumatriptan (subcutaneous route of administration) for acute migraine attacks in adults (2012) [NICE] NEW
Sumatriptan (intranasal route of administration) for acute migraine attacks in adults (2011) [NICE] NEW

Steroids (Dexamethasone) for Prevention of Migraine Recurrence (2011)[theNNT]

SpringTMS™ Total Migraine System (2011)[National Horizon Scanning Network]

Cochrane review supports the use of paracetamol in acute migraine (2011)[MeReC Rapid Review]

Migraine Headache in children (2010) [Clinical Evidence] Athens log-in required

Percutaneous closure of patent foramen ovale for recurrent migraine (2010)[NICE]

Ibuprofen with or without an antiemetic for acute migraine headaches in adults (2013)[Cochrane]updated

Aspirin with or without an antiemetic for acute migraine headaches in adults (2013)[Cochrane] updated

Meta-analysis of the efficacy and safety of zolmitriptan in the acute treatment of migraine (2009)[DARE]

Are migraineurs at increased risk of adverse drug responses: a meta-analytic comparison of topiramate-related adverse drug reactions in epilepsy and migraine (2009)[DARE]

Acupuncture for migraine prophylaxis (2008)[Cochrane]

Normobaric and hyperbaric oxygen therapy for migraine and cluster headache (2008)[Cochrane]

Parenteral dexamethasone for acute severe migraine headache: meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials for preventing recurrence (2008) [DARE]

Anticonvulsant drugs for migraine prophylaxis (2006) [Cochrane]

Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for preventing migraine and tension-type headaches (2004) [Cochrane]

Propranolol for migraine prophylaxis (2003) [Cochrane]

Clinical Guidelines

Migraine (2013) [CKS] updated

Guidelines for All HealthcareProfessionals in the Diagnosis and Management of Migraine,Tension-Type, Cluster andMedication-Overuse Headache (2010) [BASH] *PDF may be slow to download

Recent articles in core journals
Cognitive behavioral therapy plus amitriptyline for chronic migraine in children and adolescents: a randomized clinical trial (2013) [JAMA] NEW
Structural brain changes in migraine (2012) [JAMA] NEW

Tolerance to the beneficial effects of prophylactic migraine drugs: a systematic review of causes and mechanisms(2011)[Headache]

Tolerance and loss of beneficial effect during migraine prophylaxis: clinical considerations (2011)[Headache]

Migraine with aura and risk of cardiovascular and all cause mortality in men and women: prospective cohort study (2010)[BMJ]

Migraine and risk of haemorrhagic stroke in women: prospective cohort study (2010)[BMJ]

Migraine and cardiovascular disease: systematic review and meta-analysis (2009)[BMJ]

Efficacy of botulinum toxin type A for the prophylaxis of episodic migraine headaches: a meta-analysis of randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials (2009) [Pharmacotherapy]

Migraine, vascular risk, and cardiovascular events in women: prospective cohort study(2008) [BMJ]

Exercise in migraine therapy--is there any evidence for efficacy? A critical review (2008) [Headache]

Effect of early intervention with almotriptan vs placebo on migraine-associated functional disability: results from the AEGIS Trial(2008) [Headache]


Migraine prophylaxis in adults (2012)[Mentor] updated

Migraine in children (2011)[Mentor]

Migraine Management (2011)[Mentor]

Migraine: diagnosis and prevention (2010) [BMJ Learning]

Clinical Queries

For a woman who suffers from menstrual migraine and does not require contraception, is there any evidence that a levonorgestrel intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) may improve symptoms if amenorrhoea is achieved? (2013) [FSRH]NEW

How safe is it to continue to use the progestogen-only implant in a woman who has developed recurrence of focal migraines since insertion of the implant? (2013) [FSRH]NEW
Can a woman who has been using combined oral contraceptive for 5 years and who had focal migraines around 2 years ago but no further events be allowed to continue to use this method? (2012) [FSRH]NEW
What is the evidence for treating menstrual migraine with oestrogen? Any other guidance on management of menstrual headaches (2011)[ATTRACT]

I believe that evidence shows that women with migraine with aura have 2-3 x risk of stroke compared with women with migraine without aura. Is there any evidence that migraine prophylaxis (e.g. with Beta-blockers) reduces this excess risk? (2010)[ATTRACT]

Is the use of LNG-IUS restricted in a patient with a history of migraine? (2009)[FSRH]

Is there evidence of benefit of B vitamins for migraine suffers (the patient has migraine without aura). In particular is there evidence of any particular dosage? (2008)[TRIP Answers]

Patient Information

Migraine (2013) [BUPA Health Information] updated
Migraine (2012) [NHS Choices] updated


1. If you are a Welsh Primary Care Professional with a clinical query send it to ATTRACT online or email us at or call 01495 332343.

2. If you would like to comment on this CME topic, or suggest a new topic for ATTRACTcme, go to the comments hyperlink below.

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